PBS Space Time - S2015

PBS Space Time
PBS Space Time - S2015
Feb 11, 2015
Matthew O’Dowd

Watch PBS Space Time - S2015 Free Online

PBS Space Time - S2015

Seasons (11)

Episodes (43)

1. What Planet is Super Mario World?2. Is It Irrational to Believe in Aliens?3. How Do You Measure the Size of the Universe?4. Should We Colonize Venus Instead of Mars?5. What Will Destroy Planet Earth?6. Can A Starfox Barrel Roll Work In Space?7. Cosmic Microwave Background Explained8. Is the Moon in Majora’s Mask a Black Hole?9. Could You Fart Your Way to the Moon?10. How to Weigh a Fart11. Could NASA Start the Zombie Apocalypse?12. Are Space and Time An Illusion?13. What's the Most Realistic Artificial Gravity in Sci-Fi?14. Should the First Mars Mission Be All Women?15. 9 NASA Technologies Shaping YOUR Future16. The Real Meaning of E=mc²17. Habitable Exoplanets Debunked!18. Is Gravity An Illusion?19. Challenge: What Happens to a Helium Balloon in Freefall?20. How to Signal Aliens21. The Calendar, Australia & White Christmas22. Can a Circle Be a Straight Line?23. Curvature Demonstrated + Comments24. The Leap Second Explained25. Can You Trust Your Eyes in Spacetime?26. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT + Flat Spacetime Geometry Comments27. General Relativity & Curved Spacetime Explained!28. What Physics Teachers Get Wrong About Tides!29. Challenge: Which Particle Wins This Race?30. Do Events Inside Black Holes Happen?31. Watch THIS! (New Host + Challenge Winners)32. Does Dark Matter BREAK Physics?33. What Happens At The Edge Of The Universe?34. The Speed of Light is NOT About Light35. 5 REAL Possibilities for Interstellar Travel36. Have Gravitational Waves Been Discovered?!?37. Is The Alcubierre Warp Drive Possible?38. Why Haven't We Found Alien Life?39. Challenge: Can you save Earth from a Killer Asteroid?40. 5 Ways to Stop a Killer Asteroid41. 100 Years of Relativity + Challenge Winners!42. How to Build a Black Hole43. The Higgs Mechanism Explained

Synopsis PBS Space Time - S2015

Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth with our astrophysicist host: Matthew O’Dowd.

  • Matthew O’Dowd

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