Najveći gubitnik

Najveći gubitnik
Najveći gubitnik
May 06, 2022

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Najveći gubitnik

Seasons (2)

Synopsis Najveći gubitnik

The big worldwide TV format "The Biggest Loser" follows the lives of 16 extremely obese contestants, determined to leave their unhealthy habits behind and fight for the title of "loser" and a big cash prize, because whoever loses the most wins the most! Divided into two teams, the contestants will face great challenges, exhausting training and special regimes of proper nutrition that will push the limits of their endurance and change their lives from the roots. The show is hosted by actress Hristina Popović, while the contestants' trainers are popular faces from the last season of the show "Survivor" and fitness enthusiasts - Maša Kuprešanin and season winner Stefan Nevistić. Competitors are supported by an expert team of doctors and nutritionists from Euromedik, as well as a team of psychologists.

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