Red Fork Range

Red Fork Range
Red Fork Range
Jan 12, 1931
Hal Taliaferro, Ruth Mix, Al Ferguson, Cliff Lyons, Bud Osborne, Lafe McKee, Will Armstrong, George Gerwing

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Red Fork Range

Synopsis Red Fork Range

It's time for the stagecoach race to win the mail contract and the only entries are Reden and Farrell. Reden's men kidnap Farrell's daughter and then force him to withdraw. Wally rescues Ruth, buys out Farrel, and enters the race himself. But Reden has his men planted along the course to make sure Wally doesn't win.

  • Harry Webb Productions
  • National Players
  • Hal Taliaferro
  • Ruth Mix
  • Al Ferguson
  • Cliff Lyons
  • Bud Osborne
  • Lafe McKee
  • Will Armstrong
  • George Gerwing

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