Magical Tortoise

Magical Tortoise
Magical Tortoise
May 28, 2009
Wang Chengyang, Miao Miao, Shi Lei, Wen Zhou, Ye Zi, Xia Zhiqing, Liu Jizhong

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Magical Tortoise

Synopsis Magical Tortoise

Wang Fujing is a fourth grade student, a magical tortoise comes to his life, and changes everything. This tortoise can speak and use magic to help him ten times. Each time the tortoise use a magic to help Wang, Wang would get a score based on how he uses the magic. After a few times, Wang learns that helping people with true heart is the happiness in the life from this experience.

  • Shanxi Film Studio
  • Wang Chengyang
  • Miao Miao
  • Shi Lei
  • Wen Zhou
  • Ye Zi
  • Xia Zhiqing
  • Liu Jizhong

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